Camelina Oil (020700200)

When was it seeded?

May 15, 2023

When was it harvested?

August 30, 2023

Growing condition through the year

Previous years of near drought conditions made for concerns going into 2023. While timing of some moisture delayed some seeding, many producers were happy to have any during the growing season. The diverse growing conditions across the province were apparent as some southern areas were dry while some northern areas received better moisture conditions and yielding crops.

Growing conditions upon harvesting

Harvest came early for many farmers and later for others, all dependent on the dry, hot weather and lack of moisture. However, farmers remained optimistic stating their crops came off better than expected given the diverse and dry conditions.

Additional information

Camelina is a very small oilseed with a sensitive pod that can break easily if it is to rain or hail. Some heavy rainfall damaged areas of the crop but farmers were able to recover some good health from the crop. The camelina seeds are hauled to Saskatoon, SK where they are pressed into oil, settled or filtered of some of the natural sediments and then bottled into our Three Farmers tinted glass bottles to retain the quality and integrity of the nutrients, color and flavour.

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