Following our October 10th debut on the CBC hit series The Dragon’s Den, we decided we better get moving on another run of Roasted Onion & Basil Camelina Oil! We fired up the presses in early November and on November 19th, Elysia travelled out to our bottling facility in Spalding to mix up the flavors into our fresh batch of cold-pressed camelina oil. The extracts that we use for our flavors are 100% natural, non-GMO extracts. They account for less than 5% of the finished product – therefore causing no change in the final nutritional content of the oil. Our flavored oils are just as natural and nutritious as our Original Camelina Oil!

The camelina seeds that were used to produce this batch of oil were to be the last that we pressed from Colin’s crop that was harvested in 2010. This crop was fall-seeded in 2009, giving it a good jump in the Spring and a competitive edge over any weeds or pests that may have tried to bother it. Thank goodness for smart farming practices and good crop planning – this crop has provided us with an abundance of quality oil that has graced the homes of customers across Canada. Thanks Colin for such a wonderful product!

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